Η Εταιρεία


Η Εταιρεία

Διοικητικό Συμβούλιο

Internal Control

AEONIC SECURITIES CIF Plc maintains an independent Internal Control Department, which is responsible for the proper implementation of management decisions, the operation of internal control mechanisms, and the implementation of the Company's policies.

The Internal Control Department reports to the Company's Board of Directors and prepares written reports for the Company's Management. The internal audits of the Company's Internal Control are conducted regularly and ad hoc in accordance with the International Standards for the practice of internal Audit.

Risk Management

AEONIC SECURITIES CIF Plc maintains an independent Risk Management Department to identify, monitor, and manage the various risks it undertakes in its activities. The Company has established procedures for assessing and managing the risks it undertakes.

The Risk Management Department recommends to the Company's Board of Directors the imposition of extraordinary or additional measures, as appropriate, to effectively mitigate and when possible, to eliminate various threats.

Regulatory Compliance

AEONIC SECURITIES CIF Plc maintains an independent Regulatory Compliance Department to update and ensure the proper implementation of the Company's Internal Regulations, to audit the effectiveness of the procedures established by it, to inform and train its employees, and more generally to ensure the effective compliance of the Company with the current legislative and regulatory framework.